My main area of research is music and audio signal processing, together with machine learning, towards the development of interfaces to help electronic music production.
My PhD thesis was focused on creating methodologies for characterising and generating samples for electronic music production, specially loops and one-shot sounds.
A. Ramires, Automatic Characterization and Generation of Music Loops and Instrument Samples for Electronic Music Production, PhD Thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2022
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A. Ramires, Automatic transcription of vocalized percussion, MSc Thesis, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 2017
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J. Drysdale, A. Ramires et al. (2022). Improved Automatic Instrumentation Role Classification and Loop Activation Transcription. In Proc. of DAFx2022.
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A. Ramires et al. (2022). A Study of Control Methods for Percussive Sound Synthesis Based on GANs. In Proc. of DAFx2022.
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A. Ramires et al. (2021). Musical Loop Synthesis Conditioned on Intuitive Musical Parameters. In Proc. of ICASSP2021
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A. Ramires et al. (2020). TIV.LIB: An Open-Source Library for the Tonal Description of Musical Audio. In Proc. of DAFx2020.
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A. Ramires et al. (2020). Neural Percussive Synthesis Parameterised by High-Level Timbral Features. In Proc. of ICASSP2020
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J. Ching, A. Ramires and Y.H. Yang. (2020). Instrument Role Classification: Auto-tagging for Loop Based Music. In Proc. of MuMe + CSMC 2020.
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A. Ramires et al. (2020). The Freesound Loop Dataset and Annotation Tool. In Proc. of ISMIR2020.
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A. Ramires and X. Serra. (2019). Data Augmentation for Instrument Classification Robust to Audio Effects. In Proc. of DAFx2019.
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A. Ramires, R. Penha and M. E. P. Davies. (2017). User Specific Adaptation in Automatic Transcription of Vocalised Percussion. In Proc. of RecPad-2017.
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A. Ramires, D. Cocharro and M. E. P. Davies. (2017). An audio-only method for advertisement detection in broadcast television content. In Proc. of RecPad-2017.
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